The B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Panchayats & Rural Development, situated at Kalyani is the premier institute for imparting training and capacity building works on Panchayats and rural development in West Bengal.
It started its journey as “Orientation and Study Centre” by the Government of India in the year 1961 and then In 1st April 1967 it was handed over to the Government of West Bengal as the State Training Institute. In 1988, it has been restructured as State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) for catering to the training needs in the diversified areas of rural development. In 1991, a parallel institute State Institute of Panchayats(SIP) was established for the capacity building of the Elected Panchayat Representatives. These two institutes were merged in 1996 and named as the SIPRD. Again it has been renamed as The B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Panchayats & Rural Development in 2016.
Since then, It functions as the apex institute for organizing formal training programmes on behalf of the Government of West Bengal in the Department of Panchayats & Rural Development. This process has been further supplemented by five Extension Training Centers (ETCs) located at Burdwan, Coochbehar, Raiganj, Rajarhat and Midnapore.

Vision. : Facilitating all the actors of development for making Panchayats as people’s institutions , Capacity building of all the functionaries of Panchayats and Rural Development for effective performance, and Research for fulfilling the dream of true democratic & participatory rural governance and sustainable and eco-friendly rural development are its vision
Its objectives are :
- To provide quality training to increase the operational efficiency of the PRI and Government functionaries and also other stakeholders of development process.
- To act as a knowledge hub in the fields of Panchayati Raj and rural development activities by undertaking research and case studies and and to contribute in developing periodicals, books, monographs , case studies related with Panchayati Raj and rural development .
- To work as think tank of the State with regard to plans and programmes of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development
- To develop necessary training curriculum for the participants along with training modules and training materials and literature for various training programmes conducted
- To provide forums for sharing and development of initiatives in the field of PRI and Rural development.
- To empower community as well as various community organizations who would accelerate the pace of Panchayats and Rural Development.
Human Resource : The Institute is headed by the Director, who is a senior officer from the IAS or WBCS. The Director, BRAIPRD is assisted by one Additional Director, two Joint Directors, three Deputy Directors, one Senior Research Officer, one Research Officer and one Joint Director (Finance).The Institute has the sanctioned strength of 7 (seven) Senior Faculty Members out of which 5 are designated as Core Faculty Members , 4 (four) field level officers designated here as Faculty Members, 1(one) Technical Officer (Agriculture) from Agriculture department.
Training | Preparation of books, monographs and learning materials |
Workshop/ seminars | Publications |
Conduct of exposure visits | Evaluation and feedback sharing |
Documentation | Serving as a knowledge hub |
Research studies | Advocacy |
Networking and partnerships | Facilitation |
Target Groups of Training
Zilla Parishad Members | Zilla Parishad Office bearers |
Zilla Parishad Secretaries | District Council Members |
Panchayat Samiti Members | Panchayat Samiti Office bearers |
Panchayat Samiti Secretaries | Govt. functionaries |
Line deptt. Officials | Functionaries of Financial Institutions |
Non-Govt. Organisations | Self Help Groups |
Academicians | Other Stakeholders of RD |
Lady Office bearers of Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti and Gram Panchayats |
Recent Performance (2021-22)
Types of Training | No. of batches |
Induction level Training for IAS Probationers | 1 batch |
Induction level Training for WBCS Probationers | 2 batches |
Refresher Training of WBCS(Executive) | 1 batch |
Induction Level Training on various Sthayee Samitis of both Zilla Parishad and Panchayat Samity | 4 batches |
Training on Propagation & Nursery Management | 5 batches |
Webinar on Menstrual Hygiene Management | 14 batches |
Induction Training for Jt. BDOs | 2 batches |
Webinar on Horizontal Learning Programme | 6 batches |
Webinar on Community Wisdom in mitigating post Yaas devastation of Crop Cultivation | 4 batches |
Webinar on Monsoon Care of livestock and Poultry | 2 batches |
Training of Enumerators for action research in Yaas affected blocks | 2 batches |
Webinar on winter care for livestock and poultry | 2 batches |
Webinar on crop management in Rabi season in yaas affected project villages | 2 batches |
Lessons from self-employed Womens Association (SEWA) - Voice, Visibility and Viability | 1 batch |
Webinar on innovation in function and management of Farmers Institutions SKUS | 2 batches |
Online Training on Propagation and Nursery Management | 4 batches |
Webinar on Salinity Management in Yaas affected areas of West Benga | 2 batches |
ToT for BRAIPRD, West Bengal on Training Management Portal- | 1 batch |
NIRD Online Training programme on Gender Budgeting for Rural Development | 1 batch |
NIRD Online Training programme on SDG & GPDP | 1 batch |
Sangha Samabay Samiti - legal framework and Members role in institutional Development. Webinar | 4 batches |
Special Care Programme for Elected Women Representatives | 2 batches |
Organizational Management of Sangha Samabay Samitis | 2 batches |
Workshop on Panchayat Act and Rules along with its Amendments and Role of Prescribed Authority | 2 batches |
Workshop on IT intervention and capacity building | 2 batches |
Training for Research Methodology on Rural Developments | 2 batches |
Role of Board of Director Members in Operationalisation of Sangha Samabay Samiti | 2 batches |
Refresher Training for Secretary of Siksha,Sanskriti, Tathya O Krida Sthayee Samiti of PS and ZP | 4 batches |
Online Refresher Training on Role of Secretaries of Krishi, Sech O Samabay Sthayee Samity of PS and ZP | 2 batches |
Refresher Training for Secretary of Khudra Shilpo Bidyut O Achirachorito Shakti Sthayee Samiti of both Zilla Parishads and Panchayat Samities | 1 batch |
Online Training programme on Citizen Rights and Citizen Charter | 1 batch |
Webinar on MGNREGS | 4 batches |
Role of BOD Members in Operationalisation of Sangha Samabay Samiti-Batch : 1 | 1 batch |
scope of changing cropping pattern on salinity management in Yaas affected areas - meet with farmers of Contai-I- | 1 batch |
Orientation programme of Community participation and roles and responsibilities of VHSNCs | 2 batches |
Training on Handling of Court Cases and RTI Applications | 2 batches |
Training on Digital Literacy for Members of SHG | 4 batches |
Online Workshop on OSR Mobilisation of PRIs- | 2 batches |
Preparation of Annual Plan for Sangha Samabay Samiti | 2 batches |
Training on Bookkeeping | 1 batch |
Cyber Security and essential Cyber Hygiene practices- | 11 batches |
Review workshop with field investigators on Action Research of Moonson Care of livestock and poultry | 1 batch |
State level Storyshop | 1 batch |
National Storyshop | 1 batch |
Recent Research & Publications
- 1. Impact of MGNREGA on Tribal Migration: Case Study in Jungle Mahal of West Bengal
- 2. Changing Livelihood Strategies among the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups of West Bengal
- 3. A Cross-Sectional Study to Evaluate the Impact of Cooked Mid-Day Meal Programme on Nutritional & Educational Status of Primary School Children belonging to PVTGs of West Bengal.
- 4. Exploring the Relationship between Education and Women Empowerment and Gender Justice: a comparative analysis between West Bengal, Kerala & Mizoram .
- 5. Monograph on Gender and gender budgeting: concept, approach and methodology
- 6. Monograph on Addressing gender inequality through public policy in India and the Asia-Pacific
- 7. Monograph on Gender Budget, Child Budget, and Gram Panchayat Development Plan
- 8. Handbook for the Sabhapatis/ Saha-Sabhapatis of the P.S. – 200 pages (approx.)
- 9. Handbook for the Karmadhyakshyas of different standing committees of the ZP and PS – 9 (nine types) – 150 pages (approx.)
- 10. Handbook for the General members – 200 pages (approx.)
- 11. Panchayat Samiti Sahayika
- 12. Prakalpo Parichayika
- 13. Winter care of livestock and Poultry
- 14. Case study book -- A Kaleidoscope of Rural Development (A Bouquet of Case Studies)