
Sl. No. Memo No Memo Date Tender No Published Date Last Submission Date Description ACTION
1 1890 30-07-2024 02/SRDA/N-1/2024-25/HQ 01-08-2024 20-08-2024 Different Lab Equipmentof road.
2 934/PRD-34015/32/2024-SRLM 29-07-2024 934/PRD-34015/32/2024-SRLM 29-07-2024 01-08-2024 NOTICE INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST(EOI)
3 1961 26-07-2024 01 of 24-25 26-07-2024 17-08-2024 Maintenance Work
4 210 22-07-2024 03/SE/RRNMU-BWN/24-25(2nd call) 23-07-2024 14-08-2024 post 5 year maintenance.
5 187 16-07-2024 02/SE/RRNMU-BWN-CIRCLE/2024-25 18-07-2024 09-08-2024 post 5 year maintenance.
6 836/PRD-34099/15/2024 09-07-2024 836/PRD-34099/15/2024 09-07-2024 07-08-2024 Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI)
7 827/PRD-34099/15/2024 08-07-2024 827/PRD-34099/15/2024 08-07-2024 06-08-2024 INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI)
8 827/PRD-34099/15/2024-SRLM 08-07-2024 827/PRD-34099/15/2024-SRLM 08-07-2024 06-08-2024 Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) for Feasibility Study for increasing Brand Awareness of “Srishtishree” through participation in Events/ Fairs/ Festivals both outside the state and in Sub-Divisions and Blocks in the State
9 813/PR.D-34015/2/2024 05-07-2024 813/PR.D-34015/2/2024 05-07-2024 05-08-2024 Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI)
10 813/pRD-34 015/2,2024-SRLM 05-07-2024 813/pRD-34 015/2,2024-SRLM 05-07-2024 05-08-2024 Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) for Appointment of Brand Consultant to Upgrade the euality & Optimize the Production of Srishtishree products
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