
Sl. No. Memo No Memo Date Tender No Published Date Last Submission Date Description ACTION
1 22/2022-23 (2nd Call) 20-09-2022 22/2022-23 (2nd Call) 22-09-2022 07-09-2022 Notice inviting Pre-Qualification - Cum-Tender for Construction of Garole Sheep Breeding Farm at Kumari Kanan Farm under WBCADC Ajodhya Hills Project under RKVY Programme
2 NIT No. 28/2022-23 16-09-2022 NIT No. 28/2022-23 20-09-2022 10-09-2022 Notice inviting Pre-Qualification - Cum-Tender for Establishment of Semi-Automated Feed Mill Plant under RKVY Fund at Garchumuk Farm
3 778/JAL/WBSRDA/2022 19-09-2022 778/JAL/WBSRDA/2022 19-09-2022 10-10-2022 Notice Inviting e-Tender for maintenance of Rural Road works roads (Two Cover System) NIT NO. WBSRDA/01-EE/JLP/2022-23)
4 752/JAL/WBSRDA/2022 13-09-2022 2022_PRD_399117_4 to 6 13-09-2022 20-09-2022 Notice Inviting e-Tender for maintenance of Rural Road works roads (Two Cover System) NIT NO. WBSRDA/05-EE/JLP/2022-23)
5 748/JAL/WBSRDA/2022 12-09-2022 Tender ID: 2022_PRD_405235_1 to 3 12-09-2022 26-09-2022 Notice Inviting e-Tender for maintenance of Rural Road works roads (Two Cover System) NIT NO. WBSRDA/01-EE/JLP/2022-23)
6 746/JAL/WBSRDA/2022 12-09-2022 2022_PRD_404851_1 to 5 12-09-2022 13-09-2022 Notice Inviting e-Tender for maintenance of Rural Road works roads (Two Cover System) NIT NO. WBSRDA/07-EE/JLP/2022-23)
7 747/JAL/WBSRDA/2022 12-09-2022 2022_PRD_405139_1 to 3 12-09-2022 26-09-2022 Notice Inviting e-Tender for maintenance of Rural Road works roads (Two Cover System) NIT NO. WBSRDA/08-EE/JLP/2022-23)
8 1205/STARPARD/2022 05-09-2022 1205/STARPARD/2022 05-09-2022 13-09-2022 Video Documentation and Animation related works for the Website(s)
9 1158/STARPARD/2022 23-08-2022 1061/STARPARD/2022 2nd Call Offline 30-08-2022 12-09-2022 Supply and Installation of Water Purifier & Cooler
10 1168/STARPARD/2022 25-08-2022 1059/STARPARD/2022 2nd CALL 30-08-2022 12-08-2022 Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Office Stationeries
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