Orders / Circulars

  • Home Orders / Circulars

Sl. No. Issue Date Reference No Description ACTION
1 10-10-2003 Nil Draft Gram Unnayan Samiti Rules
2 10-08-2003 3595 Constitution of Gram Panchayat Upa Samiti
3 07-08-2003 2389 Acts, Rules& policy cell of P&RD Deptt,
4 14-07-2003 panchayatactamend Amendment
5 07-07-2003 2360 Principles of subsidiarity in implementation of schemes at three tiers of PRIs
6 16-04-2003 1371/PN/O/III/2A-18/2002. Empowering District Magistrate for appointment of Clerks,
7 16-04-2003 1372/PN/O/III/2A-18/2002. Empowering Executive Officer of Panchayat Samiti for appointment of Secretary, Job Assistant, Sahayak and Karmee of the Gram Panchayat.
8 16-04-2003 1373 Empowering Executive Officer of Panchayat Samiti for appointment of Upper Division Assistant, Clerk-cum- Typist, Peon (Group-D Employee) of a Panchayat Samiti.
9 28-03-2003 1149 GP audit by CAG
10 20-05-1997 2247/PN/O/3R-2/96 The West Bengal Panchayat(Recruitment and conditions of Appointment of Employees of Zilla Parishad) Rules,2007