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3373PNPanch 30-09-2004 Budget at sthayee samiti and upa samiti WBSRLM Provision of budget at ZP,PS Sthayee samiti and Upa samiti at Gp level for planning and implementation
3727PN 11-09-2004 Bye Law for Panchayat Samiti WBSRLM Model Bye Lawfor the Panchayat samities of West Bengal
3727PN 11-09-2004 Bye Law for Panchayat Samiti WBSRLM Panchayat Samiti Model Bye Law
2913panch 26-08-2004 membership of Lamp representatives in Sthayee samiti WBSRLM Provision of inclusion of the Chairman and parttime CEOs of Large sized Multipurpose Coperative Societies as member of the Sishu-O- Nari Unnayan, Janakalyan -O- Tran Sthayee samiti at Panchayat Samiti
2926Panch 26-08-2004 Tender Selection Committee WBSRLM Constitution of Tender SelectionCommittee at Goalpokhar I Panchayt samiti as there is no Sthayee samiti in that Panchayat samiti
2919Panch 26-08-2004 LAMPS WBSRLM Inclusion of Karmadhyakshya of Sishu-o-Nari Unnayan, Janakalyan-o-Tran Sthayee samiti, Panchayat samiti in the Board of Directors of Large sized Multipurpose Cooperative Society
2799PN 19-08-2004 BTS Towers/ Shelters WBSRLM Fees for construction of BTS Towers/ shelter rooms in Panchayat area for Broadband Access Network Project for intensifying the Telecom Sector in the State of West Bengal
191103informationpri 13-08-2004 Information on PRIs WBSRLM Information of Panchayati Raj Institutions in West Bengal after General Election held in May 2004
3461compaccounting 10-08-2004 Computerised accounting system WBSRLM Circular for Computerised Accounting systems for Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad under the newly introduced ZP and PS accounting Rules effective from 1st April ,2003.
8304 03-08-2004 Federation of SHG Scheme Guideline Reports on SHG Federation Pilot project in West Bengal